Social Media has become one of the most effective ways of communication and channels to reach potential customers.

However, many corporate bodies, personalities, organizations do not have the time and or skills to effectively manage their social media pages such as FacebookTwitterYoutubeLinkedinWhatsApp amount others.

At Senyo Global Solutions, our business is to make life simple for you and your business. We, therefore, provide you with these services:

  • Social media content creation: We help to draft text, design images; shoot and edit short videos for sharing on your social media pages.
  • Social Media Adverts: We can boost or promote your social media pages or post to get more Likes, Share Comments
  • We conduct a social media audit: This helps you understand which of your contents and on which platforms that they are performing best. This also helps decide on the right social media platforms to invest in.
  • Analyze your target audience